Monday, December 5, 2016

april 28, 1978

Ann's mother is in town from Charleston, West Virginia. I've never been to Appalachia. Ann keeps telling me that she's not from a 'hollah'. I believe her, but I do like her accent.

Ann's mother's visit means no sex for a couple of days.

This morning we showered in the SRO hotel's bathroom. Back in my room Ann slipped on her panties Wait a moment." I had an erection.

"What do you think you're going to do with that?"

"Give me a naked hug."

"I know where this is going," she answered, but leaned over to my body.

I rubbed her smooth back, massaging her muscles.

"Let's fuck."

We'll be late for work."

Me to a Wall Street executive dining room and her to the theater.

I wanted flesh and said, "Okay, but just suck me a little."

"Damn, don't you ever stop."

"Her mouth surrounded my cock. I came within a minute.

"Happy now?" She dressed quickly.

"Happier." I put on my clothes slowly, hoping she would want more, but she left and I did the same five minutes later.


I haven't smoked reefer for three days. The longest stoppage, since the DEA was spraying the marijuana crops with toxic pesticides. Paraquat poisoning 15 million pot smokers. The DEA is a semi-criminal government organization set up by Nixon to persecute anyone not in the silent majority. They should be hung by the balls. The first batch of paraquat weed had me coughing like I was going to lose a lung and I stopped for several months, until my friend Andy in Boston found a dealer with clean Mexican marijuana.

Ann doesn't smoke at all.

Me I like it all.

Hash, tar resin, kif, and opium the ket to dreams and an addiction to escape from this world. Reality is a problem for me. I can't stop the fascist corporate rape of the world. Not by myself.

Only in dreams do I win the battles.

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